Craaaazy Week!

Craaaazy Week!

Whew! Did you miss me? Sorry for the absence but we just did 5 cities in 3 states in 6 days which means some exciting posts are headed your way!

The first part of the week featured a seminar for fabric designers who want to license their work- ME!

Have you ever heard of this show?

If your answer was “yes!” then you know who Martyn Lawrence Bullard is– “everyone’s favorite Brit”.


 He is perfectly delightful and I loved spending some time with him but he reminded me  of one thing….people with a huge platform (name recognition) do a lot less of the actual work than I do. LOL

I ACTUALLY draw all of my designs, then scale them, color them, put them into repeat etc. etc. He walks in with a box of “inspiration” in the form of old textiles, ceramic tiles, pottery , jewelry and Shumacher’s design team designs the collection. hmmmm I need a bigger platform. haha

Here are some shots from a recent show where he and his assistants are preparing for and having an initial meeting with Daisey Fuentes.

       They look a little intense to me.


Here she comes.


So I’m thinking this lovely……



  I love these next two pictures because they show his cute little wit and playful personality.


Well guys and gals another successful meeting! Great job


On the way out-of-town we stopped by here

in order to see this

If you don’t understand go here. 🙂

And if you would like to say, “That was fun!” at the end of your project contact me at


1 Comment
  • Glad to see that you had a great week! Keep busy!
    I LOVE Martyn Lawrence Bullard. Such a doll. Can’t wait for the new season.
    Hav ea nice week.

    October 25, 2011 at 12:23 pm

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